Home Tips

How to Efficiently Clean Your Floor?
What are the ideal ways to clean your floor?

How to Remove Tumeric Stain?
That meal was delicious..but what should you do with those y…

Slip-proof Trick!
Keep it safe, prevent your cutting board from slipping!

Disinfect your Home!
Run out of anti-bacterial cleaner? Follow this tip!

Precise cake cuts
How to precisely slice a cake?

Boiling Over?
Use this amazing trick to stop your pot from boiling over!

Dirty door knobs!
Why should you clean your door knobs?

Online recipe?
Browse stain-free if you need to follow a recipe on phone!

Broken egg?
And..don't want to deal with the gooey mess when cleaning?

Kitchen fire?
Kitchen on fire? Be mindful of how you handle it!

Change your sponge!
How frequent should you change your dish sponge?

Bye toothbrush!
How often should you change your toothbrush?